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Publication cover page with 2 women talking

Women and Girls Safe Spaces


This guidance note is based mainly on the previously published UNFPA text in the document ‘Woman and Girls Safe Spaces: Guidance note based on lessons learned from Syrian crises’. It is considered and updated in accordance with the evidence obtained through the mixed migration humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through which UNFPA has established woman and girls centres (WGCs) in this country.

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Cover page of publication two men walking into a building

Boys and Young Men Safe Spaces


BYMCs are suitable places where competent professionals assure the physical and emotional safety of boys and young men on the move, with the final mission to prevent, mitigate and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) and ensure accessibility and availability of sexual and reproductive health services (SRH). Through a wide range of needs based and participatory activities these centers give them a sense of dignity and help to eliminate the sense of helplessness that often occurs in this population.

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Text: Minimalni inicijalni paket usluga za seksualno i reproduktivno zdravlje u kriznim situacijama.

Minimalni inicijalni paket usluga za seksualno i reproduktivno zdravlje u kriznim situacijama

Fact Sheet

Minimalni inicijalni paket usluga za seksualno i reproduktivno zdravlje u kriznim situacijama.

Informativna brošura

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Effects of Population Changes on the Provision of Public Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Effects of Population Changes on the Provision of Public Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina


A vital element of all social systems is the population, which is, therefore, often the object of decision-making or at least an integral part of it. Such an object can represent both individuals and groups of people, together with their relevant characteristics. Many of the qualitative features of specific individuals or groups of people are significantly related to their basic, demographic features: sex and age in case of an individual or size, sex, and age structure if they concern the whole population. It is consequently the development of the size and age-sex structure of the population that is the main object of demographic analyses and forecast. 

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Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Situation Report

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Full review

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Situation Report

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Full review

Ilustracija majke

Smanjenje rizika od katastrofa u Bosni i Hercegovini: Sigurno Majčinstvo


Smanjenje rizika od katastrofa u Bosni i Hercegovini

Sigurno Majčinstvo

Informativna brošura

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supporting women and youth

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Situation Report

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Full review

supporting women and youth

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Situation Report

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Full review

supporting women and youth

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Situation Report

Humanitarian response in Bosnia and Herzegovina: supporting women and youth

Full review
