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World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day

Press Release

World Contraception Day

calendar_today 26 September 2017

SARAJEVO, 26 September 2017 – Today is the World Contraception Day. To mark this day, the Strategic planning workshop on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) was held in Sarajevo. The workshop was organized by UNFPA, in partnership with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Federal Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska.

This workshop was used to ensure that participatory process for developing and/or revising of the existing SRH entity documents to be aligned with Agenda 2030 and the European Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health included decision-makers, public health specialists and professionals in the field of sexual and reproductive health.

Participants agreed that the key priority of the entity documents on SRH is to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health services for all population groups, including family planning as well as integration of reproductive health into overall national health strategies and programmes. All participants showed commitment to unfold the strategic planning process in both entities and emphasize that providing awareness about the contraception will decrease unplanned pregnancy, unsafe abortions and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

„All couples and individuals have right to make informed decision about their own sexual reproductive health including decision if and when to have children and about birth spacing. Successful strategies are those created and committed to by those accountable for working with the people affected by them”, said Dr Mihai Horga Senior Advisory to East European Institute for Reproductive Health.

Dr Doina Bologa UNFPA Representative in BiH highlighted that “Only 12% of women in BiH use modern methods of contraception” and pointed that “Strategic approach on SRH, including family planning, is of great importance, not only for today's generations, but for future generations as well. I strongly believe that the new and revised strategies in the field of sexual and reproductive health in Bosnia and Herzegovina come at the right time to bring the country on its European path and Agenda 2030".