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Free sanitary pads for high schools in Canton Sarajevo

Free sanitary pads for high schools in Canton Sarajevo


Free sanitary pads for high schools in Canton Sarajevo

calendar_today 05 September 2022

Sarajevo, 5 September 2022 – Female students in high schools in Canton Sarajevo will have free access to sanitary pads and reliable information on menstrual health. Today, at the Jezero - Medical School in Sarajevo, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton, Mr. Edin Forto, Minister of Education of the Sarajevo Canton, Ms. Naida Muminovic-Hota and UNFPA Representative in BiH, Mr. John Kennedy Mosoti, announced the commencement of distribution of sanitary pads to all female students in high schools of Sarajevo Canton, within the campaign „Za naše dane u mjesecu“. Each school will provide instructions for students on access to free sanitary pads.

“UNFPA is the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health agency and it is committed to ensuring youths’ needs are met and their human rights are respected. Menstruation is intrinsically related to human rights – when people cannot have safe access to menstrual hygiene products, they are not able to manage their menstruation with dignity and this can create barriers to education. Therefore, we are glad to partner with the Government of Canton Sarajevo, Violeta d.o.o. and other private companies to help reduce the socio-economic challenges related to menstruation that women and girls face daily. Jointly, we are working to improve menstrual health and fight period stigma and we at UNFPA hope this programme will expand throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina”, said John Kennedy Mosoti, UNFPA Representative in BiH.

 “Today, we are proud to say that the Government of the Canton Sarajevo, together with its partners in the campaign, officially fulfilled the promise made on 8th of March this year, that is access to free sanitary pads to all the girls in high schools in Canton Sarajevo. However, we will not stop here, because the Government of Canton Sarajevo will continue to improve hygienic conditions for girls and women in Canton Sarajevo through continuous supply with sufficient quantities of free sanitary pads, but also through the promotion of social awareness and reduction of stigma on menstruation, and thereby contribute to better inclusion of women in all social areas.” 

Naida Muminovic-Hota, Minister of Education of Sarajevo Canton stated: “The Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton was pleased to support and take part in the realization of the project „Za naše dane u mjesecu“. By participating in this project, we want to educate and empower students in all schools in eliminating stigmatization and any kind of discrimination related to the menstrual cycle.

The Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton was the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to support the implementation of such an activity, and it is our wish that this activity be an established practice throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, in all schools.”

These activities will take place throughout the entire school year 2022/2023 in Canton Sarajevo, with the intention of continuing in years to come.


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