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Workshop on Integrating Life-Skills Education into Education and Training of Teachers

Workshop on Integrating Life-Skills Education into Education and Training of Teachers


Workshop on Integrating Life-Skills Education into Education and Training of Teachers

calendar_today 21 August 2023

Participants of the workshop
Radionica na temu integracije obrazovanja o životnim vještinama u obrazovanje i osposobljavanje nastavnika

Sarajevo, 21 August 2023 – Sarajevo is hosting the regional Workshop on Integrating Life-Skills Education into Education and Training of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools, organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Germany's Federal Center for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)). The workshop aims at equipping the participants from all over Eastern Europe and Central Asia region with the necessary knowledge and tools to establish and enhance Healthy Lifestyle and Life-Skills education in and out of school in teacher education and training programmes within higher education institutions to produce teachers for primary and secondary education who can effectively deliver high-quality CSE. 

“The Ministry will continue supporting the implementation of Healthy Lifestyle education, which is critical for adequate upbringing, growth and development of children and young people, who will be certainly building a healthier society and developing new values through comprehensive education”, said Prof. Jasna Duraković, the Federation Minister of Education and Science.

Prof. Peter Aggleton, an expert in comprehensive Healthy Lifestyle education, said: “The foundations of health and well-being are laid in childhood and young age. Therefore, quality education in healthy lifestyles is vital, and well-trained teachers in primary and secondary schools are needed to deliver this education. This workshop, which includes participants from all over the region, will discuss the best ways to introduce Healthy Lifestyle education into teacher education and training, aligned with the local priorities and needs”.

 “We are especially proud that the implementation of education in this matter will begin during the 2023/24 school year in primary schools in the Republika Srpska. Also, in addition to education already provided in primary schools in the Sarajevo Canton and the Goražde-Podrinje Canton, Healthy Lifestyle education will be expanded to other cantons of the Federation”, said Marina Riđić, UNFPA Assistant Representative in BiH.

The workshop will take place on 21-25 August 2023 in Sarajevo, and will contribute to the tireless efforts of the Ministries of Education, Health and all other relevant stakeholders in the countries of the region to ensure inclusion of Healthy Lifestyle Education in the curricula.